Hongming Li

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I am a student studying Computer Science and Statistics at the University of Toronto. My interest to learn about new software technologies and tools never stops. My friends know me as a highly motivated programmer who always loves solving challenging problems and building projects with severe difficulty. In my leisure time, I enjoy playing table tennis, jogging and snowboarding during snow seasons…


Operating Systems & Tools
  • Github
  • Gitlab
  • Subversion
  • linux
  • bash
  • Java
  • Python
  • Golang
  • javascript
  • Haskell
Data Management
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB
  • Neo4j
Web Development
Containers & Cloud

WB Collaborate

Web Application for users to draw collaboratively Main features : 1. Drawing in realtime 2. Chatting with users in the same room

Deployed here


Reddit-like Fan-based discussion forum web application. Main features : 1. Showcasing User Profile 2. Create posts 3. like other posts and comments 4. Creating Events for participants 5. Google Map indicating event locations and many more...

Read more..


Data Engineer Intern

Bond Brand Loyalty - Mississauga, ON, Canada
  • Worked with Azure, Snowflake, SQL Server for Data Warehouse
  • Developed an ETL piepline for a client using Azure Databricks notebook in Python and automated it via Azure Data Factory
  • Contributed to an ETL processing python library - Poseidon. My contribution helped people to specify ETL configuration via json files
Sept. 2020 - Present

Full Stack Developer Intern

The Bridge - University of Toronto Scarborough
  • Worked with TypeScript, Gatsby-React, Material-UI for frontend and GraphQL to contribute to a matching LinkedIn-like web application
  • Utilized React concepts like higher order components, context, component lifecycle, react hooks, REST API, GraphQL API, Material Design to make professional web apps
  • Regularly communicated with clients regarding project specifications and effectively
June. 2020 - Aug. 2020

Software Engineer Intern

Index Exchange - Toronto, ON, Canada
  • Design and Implemented a backend service using GoLang with Gorilla web tool
  • Frontend Development using node js and TypeScript with Angular 8 web framework
  • Fetch data from external data service through Jira REST API and go-Jira package
  • Designed and connected a persistent data storage using MariaDB for storing user configuration
  • Built automated CI/CD pipelines using GitLab for docker containerized services
  • Test and deploy to kubernetes clusters using Minikube
Dec. 2019 - May. 2020


University of Toronto

Bachelor of Science
Computer Science Specializing in Software Engineering
Minor in Statistics
2017 - Exp. 2021

American International School of Budapest

High School Diploma, International Baccalaureate

2013 - 2017
Nifty tech tag lists from Wouter Beeftink